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Safety For Life!

Risk Factory Twente

Taking safety into your own hands

Primary school students and vulnerable seniors learn how to deal with dangerous situations and take concrete action in a variety of simulated, real-life situations. We use nine interactive and realistic 'scenarios’ link to scenarios to enable Risk Factory Twente visitors to experience risk first hand. The children’s scenarios were devised, using input from comprehensive Twente town council safety plans, practical experience from the emergency services and primary school education key objectives. Content is also aligned with supply chain partners, in addition to Bureau Halt, Tactus and ROVO.

Children get to wear special glasses that simulate the effects of drinking alcohol, and peer pressure, (safe) escape from fire, traffic safety, cyber bullying and emergency situations are all integral to the program.

Safety Heroes

Children are prepared for their visit to the Risk Factory at school. We then get to work with some 'serious gaming.' The game ‘Game of Heroes’ link to the page is played after their visit. This transforms children into genuine ‘safety ambassadors’ who can apply all that they’ve learnt to their daily lives (and environment). The goal: a safer society. They learn how to promptly identify and assess risks, and how to take appropriate action. Children of this age have the necessary imagination to experience the scenarios as real. According to scientific research, the results are impressive. No less than 75% of students indicate that they go on to implement safety measures after a visit to the Risk Factory. These children are also more aware of safety risks and have three times as much knowledge as peers who haven’t participated in the program. The Risk Factory was awarded the coveted Jan van der Heyden prize for best innovation in 2014. https://vimeo.com/121331469

Safety for seniors

Our programs for – independent living - seniors have been carefully adapted to the target group. The pace is slower and the content focuses on topics such as scams, safe falling techniques and fire safety.

Risk Factory Twente

The Risk Factory - supported by educational organisations such as Saxion Universities and the University of Twente - is a former hangar that’s been transformed into a realistic and appealing ‘village’, equipped with modern technology. The village is made increasingly ‘less safe’ during a number of exercises. And, thanks to an active collaboration with our safety partners link to partners, including the Bond van Verzekeraars, Troned and  Safety Field Lab , these ‘scenarios’ are continuously optimised and adapted to replicate modern life. The hangar is centrally located in Twente Safety Campus, which is  based at the former airfield of Twente. The Risk Factory predominantly focuses on primary school children and the citizens of Twente.


In our opinion, a visit to the Risk Factory forms an essential part of primary school education. We’ve not reached this conclusion based on our experience alone, but also on the results of scientific research. We’ve approached a number of ‘special needs’ school boards about a potential cooperation, in order to reach as many children as possible. And we signed an agreement for 17 primary schools in Enschede with Stichting Koe  in 2016. Link to http://www.tubantia.nl/regio/enschede-en-omgeving/enschede/katholiek-onderwijs-enschede-werkt-samen-met-risk-factory-twente-1.5616193

Want to learn more about this partnership or make a no obligation appointment? Then please contact.


  • Real-life scenarios
  • Based on scientific research
  • Proven results: children are more self-reliant and better prepared for dangerous situations
  • High success rate: 75% of students indicate that they’ve implemented measures to improve safety after a visit to the Risk Factory
  • Knock-On Effect: students put what they’ve learnt into practice and thus educate those around them
  • Training conducted by practitioners
  • Efficient and effective teaching methods
  • Contemporary and inspirational approach using serious gaming (Game of Heroes)
  • Practical and thematic mini-games make a lasting impression
  • Element of competition provides additional stimulus and challenge
  • Central location


Twente Fire Brigade

GGD Twente

GHOR Twente

The Police

Safety Field Lab

Saxion Universities

Stichting Vitaliteit


Twente University

Veilig Verkeer Nederland

Veiligheidsregio Twente

Risk Factory: Knock-On Effect Contact

Risk Factory

Safety scenarios


Risk Factory

